PT. Galleon Cahaya Investama is the answer to the need for services for all electrical needs in your business. This company was established to play an active role in supporting programs in Indonesia that focus on the supply of medium voltage electrical equipment, manufacture of low voltage panels, electrical contractors and electrical equipment maintenance services.

In the midst of the spread of the corona virus, PT. Galleon Cahaya Investama presents a practical solution for checking the electricity of your building and factory. With the background of experienced, certified human resources and the reputation of a company that focuses on electricity, PT. Galleon Cahaya Investama will provide solutions for your business’s electrical security.
PT. Galleon Cahaya Investama remains committed to fulfilling customer satisfaction by carrying out Preventive Maintenance on your building and factory. The “Electric Doctor” program by Galleon includes maintenance work in the consumer substation area, infrared checks on the condition outside cubicle panels, checks the temperature and condition of the transformer, checks the balance of electric power.