2020 was not an easy year for everyone. We all know that 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 virus pandemic. There are many things to go through and do to survive and adapt to this pandemic situation. Everyone struggled and worked hard to survive through all this process. Many eventually give up on circumstances, but many also make it through it.
And Galleon is one of those who managed to survive in this pandemic situation. It wasn’t easy, but with all the effort and prayer, Galleon finally managed to survive until the end. And this should be something Galleon should be grateful for. Galleon realizes that in order to get through this situation, it takes cooperation, hard work, smart work and also the support of prayers from all parties.
As an expression of gratitude for everything that Galleon has accomplished in 2020 and as enthusiasm to welcome a new year, on January 4 2021, Galleon will again carry out its Annual Charity activities. This Charity activity is not merely an annual routine, but what Galleon wants to establish and build is the Spirit to Live a More Grateful Life.
This expression of gratitude was shared with the children at the Thafidzul Quran Al-Musharrofah Wakhid Islamic Boarding School Foundation. In the midst of this pandemic situation, Galleon only sent representatives to provide compensation and donations, of course by complying with the applicable health protocols.
With this activity, it is hoped that it can be a mirror and motivation for many people and especially for all Galleon Employees to be able to live a spirit of gratitude. Because with gratitude we are able to appreciate and be happy with everything we have received.
The hope is that 2021 will be a year full of blessings and success, especially being a year where Galleons are able to fly quickly.